Announcing the June Allyson Centenary blogathon!

I am excited to announce my first blogathon, dedicated to June Allyson’s 100th birthday in October! June Allyson is one of my ultimate favorites, America’s Sweetheart with the froggy voice. I don’t think she gets enough love.


She worked her magic on me and I’ve been enamored with her for close to two years now. My introduction to her actually happened around the anniversary of her birth.

In her own words:

“I have big teeth. I lisp. My eyes disappear when I smile. My voice is funny. I don’t sing like Judy Garland. I don’t dance like Cyd Charisse. But women identify with me. And while men desire Cyd Charisse, they’d take me home to meet Mom.”

If you love Junie, if you find her endearing rather than annoying, her voice unique and not grating, this is the blogathon for you! Help me celebrate her 100 years on October 7, 2017. I’ll be accepting entries related to any aspect of her life and career.

Since I’ve got first dibs, the film I’ll be writing about is Too Young to Kiss (1951), along with a general tribute post.


  1. No more than 2 duplicates. Junebug’s filmography isn’t that extensive, but she made a good amount to avoid this issue. I can’t have you all writing about Little Women! Here’s a handy dandy list of her films.
  2. Leave a comment here with your URL and choice of topic.
  3. Post your entry on the days of the blogathon (October 5-7).
  4. Advertise with one of the spiffy banners made by Anne, one of the best June devotees I know! Seriously, aren’t they amazing?!
  5. Have fun!

june banner 4

june banner 3

june banner 2

june banner 5

june banner 1

List of participants:

Champagne for Lunch: Too Young to Kiss (1951) and tribute post
Maddylovesherclassicfilms: Little Women (1949)
Love Letters to Old Hollywood: The Bride Goes Wild (1948)
Christina Wehner: Executive Suite (1954)
Hometowns to Hollywood: Good News (1947)
Anybody Got a Match?: Music for Millions (1944)
Taking Up Room: Two Girls and a Sailor (1944)
Vintage Anne: The Reformer and the Redhead (1950)
Vitaphone Dreamer: Good News (1947)
Caftan Woman: June’s television appearances on Burke’s Law (Who Killed Beau Sparrow?) and Murder, She Wrote (Hit, Run and Homicide).
Reelweegiemidget Reviews:  Three on a Date (1978)
Critica Retro: My Man Godfrey (1958)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society: You Can’t Run Away From It (1956)
Marc Leslie Kagan: The Shrike (1955)
Cinema Cities: Interlude (1957)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict: Strategic Air Command (1955)
The Dream Book Blog: Little Women (1949)
Old Hollywood Films: June’s three films with Jimmy Stewart

See you all in October!


57 thoughts on “Announcing the June Allyson Centenary blogathon!

  1. Beautiful banners! Can I join please? I’d like to write about Little Women ( I know it’s predictable, but it is actually my favourite June performance.)


  2. How’s it going?

    I’m glad that someone is recognizing June Allyson for what an amazing actress she was Anywho, would it be alright if I write about Music for Millions from 1944?

    I write at Anybody Got a Match? (



  3. Those are the ugliest banners I’ve ever seen. Ever. But whatever I guess I’ll sign up too if I /must/. You probably already know what predictable little ol me is going with too…

    Reformer and the Redhead

    obviously doing this at (since I seem to pretend I’m a relevant blogger and write stuff there every three months, this will be just in time for my next post…)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ll be daring enough to volunteer to wacth and review My Man Godfrey – the 1958 remake with Juen and David Niven. Will I survive the experience? We shall discover in October.
    Le from Critica Retro

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve always thought that June Allyson was excellent actress playing against type so I would like to The Shrike (1955, Universal-International) People should aware of her amazing performance. June Allyson really wanted to play the role of Ann Sutton. Jose Ferrer plays successful theatrical director who is driven to failure by the machinations of his vengeful wife (June Allyson) This will be my first time. I’m excited.
    Marc Leslie Kagan

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve always thought that June Allyson was an excellent actress especially playing against type so I would like to The Shrike (1955, Universal-International) People should be aware of her amazing performance. June Allyson really wanted to play the role of Ann Sutton. Jose Ferrer plays successful theatrical director who is driven to failure by the machinations of his vengeful wife (June Allyson) This will be my first time. I’m excited.
    Marc Leslie Kagan


  7. Hey, Simoa! Your blogathon is the perfect opportunity for me to finally watch Interlude (which I’ve been wanting to see for ages), so I’d like to write about that movie for Junie’s 100th. 🙂


  8. I love this idea! Could I possibly take Strategic Air Command (1955) for my blog, Musings of a Classic Film Addict? The baseball field used in the film is near me, so I’m crossing my fingers that I can visit it and take some pictures for the article or do a review of the film and a separate post about my visit along with it!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Simoa! I’d love to participate in this blogathon. I know someone has already chosen Little Women but you mentioned it’s OK to do up to 2 duplicates. So I’d like to take Little Women also. My focus will be more on June Allyson’s performance compared to Katherine Hepburn’s rendition of Jo in the film from the 1933 version.

    Tam May
    The Dream Book Blog


    1. Um, really? Not sure what your problem is here. The rules DO say “No more than 2 duplicates.” If you look carefully at the list, only myself and another blog are doing Little Women. I also made clear what my specific topic on the film will be so I’m not just going to talk randomly about the film. I’m sure the other blog will have a very different spin on the film than I do.



  10. Pingback: GOOD NEWS (1947)

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